James Silverton wrote:
> JL wrote on Mon, 19 Jul 2010 01:33:58 -0700:
> > Slices or chunks of beef, sauted or 'browned' in oil on top of
> > the stove.
> > Then the beer is added.
> > And the beef and any onions one has set to stew with the
> > beef....garlic .... --
> >
> > Mr. Joseph Paul Littleshoes Esq.
> It's been around for a long time in Belgium: Carbonare (coal miner's
> stew)!
Yep, a favorite, i have even gone so far as to roast a pot of sliced
onions after i have carmalized them on top of the stove.
Once i get them nicely carmalized i put them in a 350 F oven for a nhour
or so and end up with a "mahogony" much that is added to the dish to
flavor the sauce along with more onins & other ingredients.
Mr. Joseph Paul Littleshoes Esq.