On 2010-07-19, zxcvbob > wrote:
> From what I remember, even beer made from malt extract syrup needs a
> good long boil to extract the hops bitterness and it probably
> denatures the proteins in the malt so they fall out of solution or
> break down into yeast nutrients or something. You add additional hops
> during the last 10 minutes for flavor and aroma.
I didn't mean to imply extract brewed wort doesn't require any boiling
at all, only that it doesn't need to be boiled as long as lautered
whole grain wort. This to answer the question of why would anyone
boil wort longer than one hour. My mentor figured all his brewing to
a 90 min boil. In the case of Dogfish Head 120 IPA, the 120 is number
of minutes the wort is boiled.