I have been using a Spice Mix for Fruit (I think it is Indonesian)
which I enjoy very much.
The shake bottle is labeled Bumbu Asinan Buah and the rest of the
label has no English.
On the back there is a label that is headed by 'Cara membust Asinan'.
It might be an inscription or a recipe.
I would like to purchase the SAME product -- so if anyone has an idea
what it is and where I can get it -- Please Post AND write me at
'zydecogary at gmail.com'.
Now, it may be similar to something called Chaat Masala (Indian) --
which is used on fruit. If someone would like to address this and
provide more information, I, and I am sure others, would appreciate
ANYWAY -- it's great. I use it on apples, oranges, peaches, pears,
mangos, plums, etc. I even mix a little with yogurt.
It really brings out a different taste to the fruit.
I hope someone could identify it for me and tell me where I can
purchase it in the United States. I DO know that there are similar
products, I have tried some, but this particular product has the
I am seeking. Sorry, I don't know where I purchased it in the first
place as I travel a lot, visit ethnic stores, and often buy products
that just look interesting with which to experiment.
Here is a photo of the product:
Gary Hayman