Recipe for Unimix or Other Nutritionally Complete Food?
> There is no such thing as one nutritionally complete food. (I have a
> PhD in nutrition.) The whole idea is to consume a variety of foods
> containing protein, carbohydrates, beneficial fats, vitamins, minerals,
> and a host of phytochemicals. Those who advocate a "one food for all"
> are just trying to get you to part with your money. Save your money and
> learn how to cook and/or take a nutrition course at a community college
> to learn how to eat right.
By "food" I didn't mean a single food item, but a "dish" -- many foods
rolled into one nice package. However, I read that sunflower seeds
were nutritionally complete except for Vitamin C. Any truth to that?
For example, if one can find a set of foods that one can live years
off of, and then find a tasty way to combine them to form a convenient
bar or kibble, then that would qualify as a "nutritionaly complete
food" (based on how I use the term).
I found an ingredient list for Unimix that I varied and turned into a
recipe. The result was a corn-bread which I proudly (and
plagaristically) call "Soylent Yellow: Formulation M". Here's the
Soylent Yellow: Formulation M
5 parts corn meal
3 parts bean flour (I used lentil/pea flour)
1 part sugar
1 part oil
dash of salt
enough milk to form a thick batter
Mix and place in a greased dish (thin layer -- no more than 1/8 - 1/4
inch thick) and bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.
I also made a variation -- Formulation D, which involves eliminating
the oil and using enough milk to form a sticky dough. This leads to a
drier result which isn't as tasty, but may be more textually pleasing
to some palattes. Drying it out may lead to a crunchy variant which
may further appeal to other palletes.
Perhaps this isn't "nutritionally complete", but I hope it gives you
an idea of what I'm aiming at. I have protein, I have carbs, I have
B12, I have calcium, I have iodide, fiber, ...
> Cindy