"Eric" > wrote in message
> I tried to UPS a case to MI from CA last year during a visit. One of the
> wineries suggested I tell them it was olive oil if they ask. I wasn't
> comfortable with this but did it anyway. I left the UPS office and was
> sitting in my car looking at my map for a minute and the UPS guy came
> storming out of the office and chewed me out (he had opened the box to
> check). I felt like a criminal (I guess I was) and thought they were
> to call the police. Needless to say, I don't recommend this approach.
> If it is a case or less, just get a good packing box from one of the
> wineries and check it as baggage on your trip home.
Never ship in a wine shipper. Wrap the bottles in bubble wrap and place in
peanuts or newspaper.
The wine shippers are a dead giveaway. When UPS/Fedex hears the rattling
styrofoam, they know it's wine. Don't let them hear it.
> "JB" > wrote in message
> ink.net...
> > Hello!
> >
> > I'm considering a trip out west to tour Napa and Sonoma wineries. I live
> in
> > a state that no longer allows wine to be shipped in direct to an
> individual,
> > so no internet sales here. My question: Since wineries and retailers
> > ship to my state, what's to prevent me from assembling a couple of cases
> of
> > wines that I purchase out there and sending it back to me? Are there
> > shipping services available - styrofoam boxes, etc. easily accessible
> me
> > to do this? Is the cost reasonable?
> >
> > Thanks for any advice.
> >
> > John
> >
> >
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