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  #20 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Any ideas besides Ebay for selling vintage wine? I have aobut 30.

Dear C.S.Lyons

It appears to me that the sooner you sell your stash, and get a few manners
the better.

You are the one who blundered into this newsgroup, seeking advise as to
where you could sell you wine, without giving any consideration that this is
an international group - and that one of the most important pieces of
information that you could have, and should have posted was your location,
simply out of respect to other contributors.

I am writing from New Zealand, there are others here from France, Britain,
Austria, the various countries of Scandinavia, not to mention Mbabane,
Swaziland; Reykjavik, Iceland and Woolloomooloo, Australia.

Further more, this is an open forum - you ask questions of everyone, and
any and everyone will answer - I consider the location posted, being
within 80 miles as being unbelievably accurate - in the context mentioned
that this is a world-wide forum.

And to "making fun" of your newsgroup name - huh???????

You were simply asked "Did it have any significance?"

Are you so sensitive that you don't want to discuss this - I mean *you*
chose your nom de plume - didn't you?

As to our going back to class - perhaps you should do so, to learn a few

Most serious contributors "lurk" for a while to get the feel of group, and
read the f.a.q. before blundering onward.


(Return address fictitious as spamtrap)
andlin at ps dot co dot nz