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blake murphy[_2_] blake murphy[_2_] is offline
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Default Serious question about new people

On Wed, 21 Jul 2010 22:18:50 +0000 (UTC), Charlotte L. Blackmer wrote:

> In article <yBF1o.33605$0e3.9845@hurricane>,
> ChattyCathy > wrote:
>>On Wed, 21 Jul 2010 11:18:49 -0500, Melba's Jammin' wrote:

> [to link or not to link? that is the question.]
>>> Does including something like, "Star Tribune's Taste section, 7-03-1988"
>>> suffice, without a link to it? IMO, it does ‹ I'd take that as an
>>> acknowledgement of both the source and the fact that I didn't make the
>>> recipe myself. My brownie recipe says that it's adapted from a Cook's
>>> Illustrated recipe from March of 19something-or-other. Heck, most of
>>> the recipes I have and use didn't come from an internets web site; more
>>> likely to have come from a friend or family member and I'm deviled if
>>> I'm going to try to find an "original" source for them.

>>Yabbut (again) - as you said, you don't make a habit of 'lifting' recipes
>>from websites (any websites) to post them here every other day - or put
>>them up on some 'commercial' website you run yourself (and keep posting
>>links to the site here). And from what I've seen you post with regards to
>>recipe sources/attributions, I honestly don't think the Copyright Police
>>are going to go after you any time soon ;-)

> At very least they would get themselves some Very Bad Publicity on the
> interwebz for doing so. (Reminds me, I should check with a friend who
> is an Actual Trademark/Copyright Lawyer.)
> Intellectual property has been berry berry good to me - I worked in
> biotech for 9 years and the stock option cashout paid for my kitchen
> remodel) - so I credit wherever I can. And I really get annoyed when
> people take stuff I've posted and repost it without noting source. I get
> extra annoyed when it is part of some money-making (for them, not for me)
> venture. I know rfc collectively has been burned on that more than once,
> which explains why TheCabal(tm)'s backs can get up mighty fast about it.
> My joke is that I "steal" from the best but I *ALWAYS* credit my
> sources. Not surprisingly, the ones I know IRL are still talking to me
> .
> Charlotte

it seems to me to be a matter of basic honesty.

your pal,