Becca wrote:
> On 7/23/2010 12:28 PM, Steve Freides wrote:
>> Becca wrote:
>>> Please tell us, what are your plans for the vanilla beans?
>>> Becca
>> No plans right now, will decide when the beans get here. Just wanted to
>> try something with vanilla beans. Maybe we'll try making ice cream but
>> we'll have to get an ice cream maker first.
>> -S-
> Ice cream is always a good choice. 1 Sale a Day has a Cuisinart ice
> cream maker on sale. It is good today only. I do not own one so I
> don't know if this is a good one or not.
I guess it's been about 5 years since I bought my Cuisinart Ice Cream
maker, and I have not bought ice cream since then. I make all my own ice
cream, gelato and sherbet. As a matter of fact, I just finished making a
batch of chocolate ice cream base. It is just cooling off on the counter
and in an hour or so I will stick it in the fridge and then freeze it up
first thing in the morning.
I started off with a 1-1/2 qt model. My mother wanted to get one two.
Between having enjoyed my products and being house bound and relying on
grocery delivery, it was better for her to make it than to buy it. When
she died her 2 qt machine came to live with me.