banananas as a late snack??? Why not..
ViLco > wrote:
> Blackboard Support Specialist wrote:
>> I have spoken with Peter Lucas (the real one) via email for a number
>> of years. He's a very decent person of a giving nature. I can't
>> understand why so many hate him (or maybe so few with different
>> puppets...)
> Puppets, lots of puppets, methinks
>> Peter, if you happen to read this crossposted message, Cheers!
>> TFM
> I quote
Nice added crosspost, nitwit!! I didn't know "resident mental defective" was
an occupation in Italy. We've hired lots of associates to work at BK Italy,
but I never saw this on a resume. You seem to have found yourself a
well-insulated niche as a village idiot.
But in the spirit of pity, and as compensation for your sad mental
condition, I offer you free Whoppers for the rest of life at your village
BK, sponsored by our new Village Idiots for Life Community Outreach program,
aka VILCO. (Just to avoid the confusion that instantly clouded your little
brain just now, no, it's not an organization of anti-abortion village
idiots. It's a life saving organization for people marginally too stupid to
remember to eat.)
Just tell any BK Associate at your neighborhood BK that you're the new idiot
they were expecting.
Burger King King
All fear my shiny plastic head