Thread: Worst food odor
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ChattyCathy ChattyCathy is offline
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Default Worst food odor

On Sat, 24 Jul 2010 22:12:01 -0700, Chemo the Clown wrote:

> Subject pretty much says it all. Not talking about spoiled but rather
> the smell of some food or the smell of cooking food.

IMO, it's the odor of cabbage (any cabbage) cooking - whether it be
boiled, steamed, sauteed or whatever... <gag>. But it's not just the odor
that puts me off, it's the taste of it too; I won't even eat it in it's
raw state e.g. in a cole slaw (when it smells of... well, nothing much) so
you can color me biased.

Oh well, each to their own...
Chatty Cathy