"Dale Williams" > wrote in message
> In article >, "Eric" >
> writes:
> >Recently I was given two bottles of 1990 Chateau Fourcas Hosten,
> >Listrac-Medoc and two bottles of 1989 Chateau Pedesclaux, Pauillac. I
> >very little about Bordeaux and am interested in any comments regarding
> >wines. Would they drink well now? Could they spend additional time in
> >cellar? Approximate current market price in US? Any help is much
> >appreciated!
> I haven't tasted either bottling. You don't see Pedesclaux much, at least
> NY. Both are wines that tend be maybe $15-20 on release. If I saw
'89/'90s for
> $30-40, I'd probably think reasonable, but would have to be $25 or so for
me to
> bite.
> In general, two good vintages where lesser growths and cru bourgeois are
> drinking well now. My guess is they'll be pretty tasty, if less than
> mind-blowing. I wouldn't be in hurry, but I'd probably drink over next 3-4
> years- my guess is they're near peak.
> Someone with first-hand knowledge will of course be more accurate.
> Dale
> Dale Williams
> Drop "damnspam" to reply
That is about what I expected. Perhaps I'll post here when I try them,
although without a lot of experience in these I don't have much to compare
to. I know what I like though and that is what counts! Thanks for the
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