Some folks blame me for a horse.
On Jul 27, 3:43*am, "Bob Terwilliger" >
> Cheryl replied to Chester:
> >>> I walk around town with my horse and some people blame me for
> >>> it. *It's good to have a horse. *A horse warns of impending
> >>> danger. *For instance, the other day I was walking along main
> >>> street when my horse shied up. *I stopped and looked for the
> >>> danger. *Sure enough two hombres fell out of a bar both with
> >>> knives and looking for scruff. *I could have been kilt if it
> >>> weren't for my horse. *Had I been blindly walking along they
> >>> could have bumpbed into me and taken me for enema.
> >> You are an enema, a verbal one.
> > Why so abusive, Stu? It was just a story. Nothing bad about it, and not
> > even remotely realistic. Not on topic, but that's no reason to be so mean.
> You think *that* was abusive, you ought to see how he "disciplines" any kid
> who has the misfortune to fall into his clutches!
I think that Stu could use some disciplined reeducation in the use of
the humble comma.
> Bob