Grandmother's recipes
piedmont wrote:
> I have possesion of my Grandmothers recipe box. The box itself may have
> been her mother's box. Grandma was born in 1900 which could clue to the age
> of the box if it belonged to her mother as my Uncle told me. Everyone in my
> family is dead who would know.
> There is one recipe in the cake section which is very old and the top with
> the title is gone, to me this is a chocolate cake frosting recipe but the
> raw egg is throwing me off.
> As it was written,
> "1 cup sugar, 1/2 scant cup of butter or shortening, 1 egg, 1 pinch of
> salt, 3/4 cup of soured milk, 1 extra large cup of flour, 1 teaspoonful
> of soda, 4 heaping teaspoonfuls of cocoa with enough hot water to make a
> smooth paste".
Maybe it's a cake? I think it has too little cocoa, too much
flour, too much soda etc. to be a brownie recipe as may have
posited. Also, look at all that milk.
Jean B.