Smoked Salmon - what to do with it?
In article >,
Boron Elgar > wrote:
> On Wed, 28 Jul 2010 08:50:23 -0500, Melba's Jammin'
> > wrote:
> >In article
> >,
> > Kris > wrote:
> >
> >> Or have drinks and make little finger foods out of it, like mini
> >> pumpenickels toasts with onion cream cheese, or top roasted potato
> >> slices with it and some horseradish cream.
> >
> >This could be tonight's dinner.
> >
> >(Will it keep in the fridge for very long or do we want to demolish it
> >in one sitting?)
> >
> >
> >> Great, now I'm hungry...
> >
> >Yeah, me, too.
> >
> >> Kris
> >
> >Thanks, Kris. I've been the beneficiary of Paul Henrichs' largesse
> >before * many years ago.
> I think having it relatively straight - that is, on or with various
> breads with sweet butter or cream cheese and onion or shallots, or a
> shot of lemon juice, or dill or maybe a few other herb options - is
> really the way to go.
> We do freeze the gravlax we make, and I am guessing smoked salmon
> would freeze well, too, but frankly, eat your fill of this rare gift
> and don't bother freezing it. This stuff sounds way too wonderful to
> use in any recipe or cooking dish or to store in the freezer. Savor
> its full flavor as fresh as possible.
> Boron
I'm so glad you see it the way I do. :-)
I'm thinking of a little chopped onion mixed into some cream cheese for
a schmear, as Julian suggested.
Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ
Holy Order of the Sacred Sisters of
St. Pectina of Jella
"Always in a jam, never in a stew;
sometimes in a pickle."
Where are my pearls, Honey?