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Dan Abel Dan Abel is offline
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Default Squash by any other name

In article >,
"Steve B" > wrote:

> Can one cook squashes in multiple ways, other than splitting in half or
> quarters and microwaving or baking? Is it good sliced, or other ways. I'm
> talking of the larger varieties, and not the smaller ones like summer squash
> and zucchini that can be sliced. Something that yields big chunks or
> slices.

We like roasted vegetables cooked in the oven. My favorite is cooked
with a roasted chicken, but separately works fine also. Some squash can
be peeled with a vegetable peeler, but ones with thick skin will need to
be peeled with a big knife. Cut into pieces that are two or three bites
(one bite works, but requires less cooking time). Cook with potatoes
(both sweet and regular), onions (no little pieces), bell peppers (mix
of colors is good), whole mushrooms (not too small), carrots and whole
garlic cloves (not too small). Put in a bowl and add a little olive
oil. Mix well. Cook in a single layer for about 45 minutes in a medium
oven. Cooking time will vary considerably depending on size of pieces
and how tightly you pack them in. Sometimes we stir them once during

I also like them in soup. Peel and cut into bitesize pieces. Cook in
the soup until tender. The Thais have many kinds of pumpkin that are
good for this.

Dan Abel
Petaluma, California USA