Thread: Chicken Thighs
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piedmont piedmont is offline
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Default Chicken Thighs

(Charlotte L. Blackmer) wrote in

> I was reading various threads about chicken and wondering where all
> y'all were finding parts at such deals. Well, I happened to be
> wandering through the nearest Lucky looking for things - I don't shop
> at Lucky much because I have closer grocers but it has a Coinstar
> machine and I needed to use one - and a 4.5# pack of chicken thighs,
> reduced to $3.11, found its way into my basket.
> I'm going to package and freeze most of them because tomorrow's their
> pull date, but I'm looking for ideas.
> My own personal ideas were to cook them up in the oven and use them
> for tacos and potpies, or what I call "New Mexican casserole" (beans,
> rice, chiles, tomatoes, zucchini, corn).
> I was also going to try a recipe from Not Your Mother's crock pot that
> was originally a drummette recipe with marmalade and other stuff.
> Do you have any favorites to share? I am in one of the few cool
> places in the US, so oven use not an issue.
> Thanks,
> Charlotte

The standard lowest prices chicken cut in my experience, here in the US,
and I'm familiar with grocers in Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, North and
South Carolina, so I always assumed most anywhere in the US, is 'Leg
Quarters' which is a leg attached to a thigh. Still seeing these on
sale at 45 cents a pound! Sold in 10 pound bags usually. I love these
things as there is lots of meats, unless your hung up on only eating
breast/white meat the Leg Quarters are an outstanding buy.


piedmont (michael)

the practical bbq'r!;