Walmart Ham
In article >,
Food Slob? > wrote:
> That's a boy, keep cheering for wallyworld while they import 90% of
> their shit from overseas (mostly china) while helping to kill off
> manufacturing jobs in the US. The products in the 10% are American but
> wallyworld forces them to make it for the cheapest price point
> possible. This eventually kills off the remaining manufacturing jobs,
> then you'll get chinese made crap all the time on their shelves, but
> you'll save a quarter so it's all good right?
What a lot of people fail to see is that American Manufacturing tends to
be too expensive with all the folderol involved.
Chinese importing creates jobs. It makes if AFFORDABLE to purchase
goods for resale. That creates a need for employees to do sales work etc.
Importing is not the evil that people make it out to be.
If Wal-mart could not purchase imported goods, they'd go out of business
and put hundreds of thousands more out of work. They'd go bankrupt.
Also, the American people demand low prices and cheap goods.
We are doing this to ourselves.
Peace! Om
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