In article >,
Omelet > wrote:
> What a lot of people fail to see is that American Manufacturing tends to
> be too expensive with all the folderol involved.
> Chinese importing creates jobs. It makes if AFFORDABLE to purchase
> goods for resale. That creates a need for employees to do sales work etc.
> Importing is not the evil that people make it out to be.
> If Wal-mart could not purchase imported goods, they'd go out of business
> and put hundreds of thousands more out of work. They'd go bankrupt.
> Also, the American people demand low prices and cheap goods.
> We are doing this to ourselves.
You need to repeat that last sentence several times. There's been a
long history in the US of business (not just Walmart) manipulating
markets for their own profit. To the extent that businesses compete on
an even keel, I have no problem with that. To the extent that some
businesses get tax breaks, drive their competition out of business and
use excessive government services which *we* pay for; that's just not my
concept of a free market with free market competition.
Dan Abel
Petaluma, California USA