Thread: curious
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Stormmee Stormmee is offline
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Default curious

dh and i have this greement, i will clean the kitchen all the time if i
don't have to cook, steaks, if i am forced to eat beef, same also, he wants
his talking as it goes down... ug, lol, Lee, also lover of the dreaded
brussels sprouts,
"KROM" > wrote in message
> wife and I have a understanding..I cook she
> she is very picky but we make it work..usually its simply me pulling my
> steak off the fire a long time before hers is done <burnt>
> I will cook the main proteins for us both..but use separate containers as
> she likes her meat near burnt I like mine still moving.
> I detest her veggies so we keep those separate as well..such as <gag>
> Brussels sprouts.
> she likes her eggs fried to being near powder I like mine runny or usually
> not scrambled at all..I love omelets she hates anything in her eggs but
> eggs..
> she hates cheese on burgers..I love it...same for bacon on burgers
> I also have become so good at subbing that the taste is the same in a lot
> of foods so that we both eat the same items...I will start off making her
> zucchini bread with reg stuff and she will say mine tastes
> "Stormmee" > wrote in message
> ...
>> i know this is going to sound odd, but while everyone here is in need of
>> lower carb meals. having that as a given, do you, if you are the main
>> cook, inforce this on the rest of the people you cook for?
>> I ask this not as a way to start an arguement, but i am trying to
>> understand this dynamic, i started wondering this after getting negative
>> feedback about the pork and pineapple idea i posted,
>> the reason i ask is that often DH makes noodles for himself, and either
>> brown rice for me or i just have it in a bowl, so this started me
>> wondering, how many of you cook to order, require those you cook for to
>> eat as you do, or what> the dh does most of our cooking and has no
>> problem making two completely seperate meals, mine is often vegetables
>> and some sort of protien, chicken or soy, we might share the vegetables
>> but he will have say beef and potatoes or noodles with his...
>> sorry this is rambling and i hope i am getting acroos what i am asking,
>> Lee