Julie Bove > wrote:
>I was usually taking less carb for myself, but...
>After Angela went to the Dr. yesterday and got weighed, I realize I have to
>put my foot down now and cut back on her portions. Because of her food
>allergies, much of what she has been eating is carbs. Rice, rice pasta,
>potatoes, and chips of various things. She also eats rice based bread and
>it is much higher in carbs than wheat bread.
>So for her I am enforcing that she must eat more fruits and vegetables. I
>would prefer less fruits, but...she really hates vegetables. We'll see how
>that goes.
How old is Angela? Do her allergies include meat, fish, poultry and eggs? With
all due respect, I get the impression that Angela has become culinarily
>She just woke up and is screaming for food.
Then let her get her own food. She either wakes up when you're preparing food
or fends for herself. I don't know anything about the rest of your parenting,
but from months reading your posts, I've got the unshakable impression that you
coddle Angela in terms of food.
>We are going to lunch with my parents. I keep telling her this. She wants to
eat before lunch. Now if
>she had gotten up earlier then breakfast would have been fine. But not now.
Can she have a low-carb protein shake that will satiate her before lunch? I've
been drinking low-carb Slim Fast, which has reduced my appetite.