"Orlando Enrique Fiol" > wrote in message
. ..
> Julie Bove > wrote:
>>I was usually taking less carb for myself, but...
>>After Angela went to the Dr. yesterday and got weighed, I realize I have
>>put my foot down now and cut back on her portions. Because of her food
>>allergies, much of what she has been eating is carbs. Rice, rice pasta,
>>potatoes, and chips of various things. She also eats rice based bread and
>>it is much higher in carbs than wheat bread.
>>So for her I am enforcing that she must eat more fruits and vegetables. I
>>would prefer less fruits, but...she really hates vegetables. We'll see
>>that goes.
> How old is Angela? Do her allergies include meat, fish, poultry and eggs?
> With
> all due respect, I get the impression that Angela has become culinarily
> spoiled.
She just turned 12. She was allergic to eggs but has outgrown it. The Dr.
said no more than one egg per week if that. Would probably be best for her
not to have any at all, at least most of the time. She tested borderline
for eggs. Mainly if she does have eggs they are in the form of a baked good
or in ranch dressing.
She doesn't like meat really, except for chicken and I hate chicken. As for
the fish, she will eat tuna, fish sticks and gluten free breaded cod. I
don't personally think fish is a very good thing for children to eat very
much of because of the mercury in it and I can't stand most fish. So it's
just not something I keep around much. The gluten free cod is very
expensive so I only get it every few months. She also likes it with French
fries, so that's not a very good meal.
>>She just woke up and is screaming for food.
> Then let her get her own food. She either wakes up when you're preparing
> food
> or fends for herself. I don't know anything about the rest of your
> parenting,
> but from months reading your posts, I've got the unshakable impression
> that you
> coddle Angela in terms of food.
The problem is... When I let her get her own food, she doesn't eat a good
healthy meal. I have been letting her do that. She will eat nothing but
rice cakes. Or just some popcorn. She will not usually eat vegetables on
her own and rarely gets any protein. She has nut allergies so nut butter is
out of the question. I do keep cooked chicken and turkey in the fridge.
Sometimes she will eat that but I generally have to push her to do it.
>>We are going to lunch with my parents. I keep telling her this. She
>>wants to
> eat before lunch. Now if
>>she had gotten up earlier then breakfast would have been fine. But not
> Can she have a low-carb protein shake that will satiate her before lunch?
> I've
> been drinking low-carb Slim Fast, which has reduced my appetite.
No. She has outgrown a dairy allergy and can have dairy only twice a week.
She can not have Slim Fast because of the soy in it.