interesting, Lee
"Julie Bove" > wrote in message
> "Ozgirl" > wrote in message
> ...
>>I am of the opinion that everyone has different tastes and likes and just
>>because I am the cook doesn't mean their wishes have to be over ridden. I
>>would cook 10 different meals if necessary. We have 7 people in this
>>house, an adult daughter and her two babies and she has been used to
>>cooking for her family for more than 10 years. If she doesn't want what I
>>am cooking she will say so and usually cook separately for her and the
>>babies. I have an adult son living here too who manages to miss one meal
>>a day because of his work/sleep/gym hours. He eats a massive meal for
>>dinner which he eats at 3 am when he gets home. The other two are 15 and
>>14 and have bottomless pits when it comes to food. The 3 youngest aren't
>>that into vegetables so it wouldn't matter if I cooked a plateful of lower
>>carb veggies they are going to feel deprived. My ex comes over about 2-3
>>times a week for dinner and his diabetes isn't easy to control (long
>>history of falling off the wagon) so he has mostly low carb veggies and
>>meat by choice. Having said that, he still has the right to choose gravy,
>>potato or rice or pasta if he desires, 9 times out of 10 he won't but
>>occasionally will have a small helping of one of the carbier foods and
>>take extra insulin. He bought a large cake over for our son's 19th
>>birthday but ate none of it yet had ice cream at a restaurant recently
>>when we all went out for dinner.
> I grew up in a house where for the most part, everyone got what they
> wanted to eat, most of the time. Yes, there was the horrid year when both
> parents went on Weight Watchers. Then, nobody got to eat what they wanted
> to eat, ever! My friends wouldn't eat at our house without first seeing
> what was being served.
> Now that didn't mean that my mom (or I when I did the cooking) would cook
> several different meals. One day I would pick the main dish. The next
> day my brother would pick it. One day I would pick the vegetable and the
> next day my brother would pick it. He always picked corn. Yes, I know
> corn is a grain. But in our house we had canned peas, corn and green
> beans all the time. There were beets and tomatoes but only my dad and I
> liked those. We also had canned potatoes sometimes but only I liked them.
> Sometimes my mom bought canned asparagus but only she liked it. We still
> had to eat whatever it was whether we liked it or not, if it was served.
> And there was almost always green salad. But that's when we ate at home.
> And mostly we didn't. We dined out a lot because then everyone could get
> what they wanted.