"Julie Bove" > wrote in message
> "Stormmee" > wrote in message
> ...
>>i know this is going to sound odd, but while everyone here is in need of
>>lower carb meals. having that as a given, do you, if you are the main
>>cook, inforce this on the rest of the people you cook for?
>> I ask this not as a way to start an arguement, but i am trying to
>> understand this dynamic, i started wondering this after getting negative
>> feedback about the pork and pineapple idea i posted,
>> the reason i ask is that often DH makes noodles for himself, and either
>> brown rice for me or i just have it in a bowl, so this started me
>> wondering, how many of you cook to order, require those you cook for to
>> eat as you do, or what> the dh does most of our cooking and has no
>> problem making two completely seperate meals, mine is often vegetables
>> and some sort of protien, chicken or soy, we might share the vegetables
>> but he will have say beef and potatoes or noodles with his...
>> sorry this is rambling and i hope i am getting acroos what i am asking,
>> Lee
> First off, I do not do low carb. But I do not do high carb either. And
> because of our food allergies, I can't always cook the same meal for all
> of us.
> I was usually taking less carb for myself, but...
> After Angela went to the Dr. yesterday and got weighed, I realize I have
> to put my foot down now and cut back on her portions. Because of her food
> allergies, much of what she has been eating is carbs. Rice, rice pasta,
> potatoes, and chips of various things. She also eats rice based bread and
> it is much higher in carbs than wheat bread.
> So for her I am enforcing that she must eat more fruits and vegetables. I
> would prefer less fruits, but...she really hates vegetables. We'll see
> how that goes.
> She just woke up and is screaming for food. We are going to lunch with my
> parents. I keep telling her this. She wants to eat before lunch. Now if
> she had gotten up earlier then breakfast would have been fine. But not
> now.
> Then we have the cat who needs to put on weight. I discovered the other
> day that she loves white rice. She also loves potatoes. So if I make
> extra of those (provided there are no onions in there), I know what to do
> with them!
Julie, cats who eat too many carbs can get diabetes. Rice and potatoes are
no good for cats.
Best Regards,
In the stony fastness of the mountains there is a strange market, where one
may barter the vortex of life for boundless bliss. - Milarepa