Interesting dipping sauce.
On Aug 1, 12:55*pm, "James Silverton" >
> Hello All!
> I mentioned in the thread on Vietnamese restaurants that, following the
> lead of authentic appearing oriental people, I use a 1:1 Sriracha:Hoisin
> mix *as a dip for Pho Ga chicken. It occurred to me to try it today for
> crab cakes and it was damned good, IMHO! I'll bet it would work for
> battered fish too.
I like the idea now that I know what Sriracha is. I had someone ask
for it at a Chinese buffet and had no idea what she was talking about,
she seemed to think it was Chinese. The chef said if it was, it didn't
exist in Mandarin or Cantonese and that he didn't speak whatever
dialect it came from.
The combinations sounds rather good.
John Kane, Kingston ON Canada