Wine Newbie
I just started trying wine recently. I've tried some red wine, and
didn't like that too much. I bought some Riesling and liked that best so
far. I also tried some that started w/ a G, but the name eludes me. Can
anyone recommend some good wines to try for a newbie like myself?
I don't really know the lowdown on the differences between red and white
wines. I guess I like something sweet. I think I tried a brand called
L'De Lyeth. I'm probably wrong, but that was garbage. I told the wine
manager that I was a newbie, and asked what he would recommend. He
recommend the L'De Lyeth, and said it was one of his personal favs. He
said it tasted like some of the more spendier wines. If I find some
cheaper stuff I like, then I'll be more open to spending more. I just
don't want to spend alot for a bottle, and end up not liking it. I'm
open for recommendations, and in the summer I plan on going to a winery
w/ some friends. Any help would be appreciated.