Thread: Wine Newbie
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Steve Slatcher
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Default Wine Newbie

On Sat, 27 Mar 2004 17:55:55 -0800 (PST), wrote:

>I bought some Riesling and liked that best so far.

Riesling is a great grape.

> I also tried some that started w/ a G, but the name eludes me.

Gewurztraminer? It is very distinctive and likeable, though rarely
suited to food. If you like Gerwurt, keep an eye open for wines made
from Pinot Gris or Viognier.

>Can anyone recommend some good wines to try for a newbie like myself?

You seem to be doing the right sorts of things already. Make sure you
try lots of different wines. Not sure I can give general
recommendations here - there's a lot out there. The important thing
is what YOU like, but listen to what other people say too as learning
can help you appreciate things you hadn't noticed before. Try to get
to tastings if possible - maybe your local winemerchant runs some -
then you can get through different wines more cheaply and hear what
people say about them. If you are not so keen on reds, keep off
French reds for now, but don't give up on reds altogether - you may
suddenly discover you like them afterall.

Good luck!

Steve Slatcher