Stormmee wrote:
> i know this is going to sound odd, but while everyone here is in need of
> lower carb meals. having that as a given, do you, if you are the main cook,
> inforce this on the rest of the people you cook for?
> I ask this not as a way to start an arguement, but i am trying to understand
> this dynamic, i started wondering this after getting negative feedback about
> the pork and pineapple idea i posted,
> the reason i ask is that often DH makes noodles for himself, and either
> brown rice for me or i just have it in a bowl, so this started me
> wondering, how many of you cook to order, require those you cook for to eat
> as you do, or what> the dh does most of our cooking and has no problem
> making two completely seperate meals, mine is often vegetables and some
> sort of protien, chicken or soy, we might share the vegetables but he will
> have say beef and potatoes or noodles with his...
> sorry this is rambling and i hope i am getting acroos what i am asking, Lee
ahh, yes, the diet wars at home
well............ hubby has figured out what the 'free veggies' are and
what foods i limit
personally, Kraft Dinner is NOT my carb choice favourite, but i have a
couple tablespoons of it
i focus on the 'free veggies' and teenlet focuses on the carbs
hubby and i are both old enough that 'portion control' is an issue
type 1 Aug 89, complication free