Wine Newbie
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Steve Slatcher
Posts: n/a
Wine Newbie
On 29 Mar 2004 13:54:04 -0800,
(Alan) wrote:
>I am also fairly new to wine and am developing a taste for red wines.
>I am not an expert by any means so I am offering this as a suggestion,
>not hard and fast advice.
>The first reds I found that I liked where beaujolais. I find them to
>be pretty easy to drink, but still flavorful. Georges Duboeuf
>Beaujolais Villages can be had for between $8-$10 us and the Louis
>Jadot Beaujolais Villages can be had for $10-$12. I have had and
>enjoyed both of these wines.
You're quite right! After having warned Jay off French wines, I very
nearly returned to suggest that Beaujolais would be worth trying.
IN addition to your recs, a good Fleurie might fit the bill ( it says
Apellation Fleurie Controllee on the label - but comes from
Steve Slatcher
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