pasta machine question
sf wrote:
> I found one at a good price at Ross (baby steps - find out if I like
> it before making an investment), but the instruction manual surprised
> me by saying not to use any water on the unit. OK, I can understand
> not putting it in the dishwasher, but not even hand washing in the
> sink. Is this normal? I can't visualize pasta dough not sticking to
> it.
> I'm sure my dough will not be perfect to begin with, but JL is giving
> me some pointers.
I was surprised to see that in the instructions for my machine too, bu
it wasn't a problem. It cleaned up easily.
FWIW..... store bought pasta is a bargain. There is no great financial
savings to making your own pasta and you're looking at 45 minutes to
make a small batch of pasta. You can probably more pasta for less, and
it's ready to go.