pasta machine question
Arri London wrote:
>>> I'm not trying to save money and I guess time improves with practice,
>>> but I'm not looking at that (although the cost of "fresh" isn't
>>> cheap)... I just want to make ravioli.
>> So long as you know what you are getting into. I have used my machine a
>> couple times. Actually, I bought it for my wife for Christmas and I
>> have used it while she watched. The results were..... hey. this is good,
>> but holy shit it was a lot of work for a two servings of pasta.
> Why did you only make two servings? Make a larger batch and dry it or
> freeze it. That's what we do.
> It's not complicated and it isn't a lot of work.
There's only two of us. My wife doesn't eat much hi carb food and I
don't eat a lot of tomato sauce. Besides, I was following the
directions from an online video and used two eggs in a well of flour,
adding a little more flour in the process, and that is how much we ended
up with.