I found this going through the archives of my old websites. These are
beer tasting notes I wrote back in the early days of the post-text
Internet - middle to late 90's. I was very active in
rec.food.drink.beer back then.
So I read through them, and was mildly amused by my superfluous
writing style. In any case, there's comedy and some value in the
content. There's a couple tasting notes for beers you can't get any
more - like Rhodenbach Alexander (I cried when I found it was
discontinued). There's a resurrected beer, production stopped and
later resumed - Xingu, which I haven't tried in the resurrected
version. There's a beer that was good 15 years ago, but has since
become crap - Pyramid Apricot Ale. And there's quite a few beers you
can still get - but I haven't tried recently.
Consume with tongue in cheek: