$5 NON-vegetarian dinners doable?
On Fri, 6 Aug 2010 16:25:25 -0700 (PDT), sueb >
>On Aug 6, 9:06*am, Kajikit > wrote:
>> My husband asked me if I could get our grocery budget down to $70.
>> That would break down something like this:
>> - $10 cat supplies (we have three cats and that's the bare minimum...
>> no way to cut it down any more without starving them!)
>> - $20 fresh fruit and vegetables (we really need to eat more of
>> these... a lot of weeks we never even make it to the farmer's market
>> and that money is spent on processed/frozen junk instead!)
>> - $10 meat (? I try to buy the cheapest meat I can and we eat a ton of
>> chicken breast... but I don't really know how cheap I can go and still
>> keep us adequately proteined.)
>> - $30 other groceries
>> Am I being grossly unrealistic here? Or is this doable? Last week the
>> only groceries I bought were bread, milk, eggs and cat stuff and it
>> cost $40. I've warned DH that if he really wants us to do this he's
>> going to have to start eating stuff that he doesn't really like, like
>> a lot more beans and rice, and leftovers!
>> Last night we had basic spaghetti - wholewheat spaghetti $1.50 ($1
>> worth); 1 Italian sausage $2/lb (50c); 3/4lb nice lean ground beef
>> $2/50lb ($2), and a jar of barilla sauce $2 Also a cup of frozen mixed
>> vegetables for me $1.50/bag so say 50c. There's enough left over for
>> lunch today, so that's a $5 dinner.
>It's definitely doable. Think about chicken. You can easily get a
>whole chicken for $5 (I do it all the time in the overpriced SF Bay
>Area). A quarter of a chicken is a hefty serving for one so each
>chicken you can count on as two dinners. If you buy two chickens,
>you've spent your $10. You can cut each into quarters to make four
>dinners for both of you. You can reserve the necks, backs, wing tips,
>and fat, and boil it up into chicken soup with some of the vegetables
>that you bought. Probably two more nights dinner. So make one
>meatless dinner and you've got the week covered.
>If you're really short on money, each chicken can be four nights
>dinner for the two of you - just eat one piece of chicken each. But
>have lots of vegetables with it.
>And you can give the giblets to the kitties for their treat.
>Don't serve the leftovers as such if your husband objects (although,
>asking you to pinch pennies like this and then "not eating
>leftovers"?). Turn your cooked chicken into a casserole or a chicken
>salad or a quiche.
>Susan B.
I don't understand how a normal woman can stay with some cheap creep
who wants her and her pets to go on starvation mode while he, the lord
of the manor, refuses left overs. I'd feed the stingy ******* the
FRESH cleanings from cat litter pan. It's only three cats, they give
far more pleasure than the few dollars it costs to care for them, it's
not like the cost of caring for a stable filled with horses... I'd
kick that worthless ****er to the curb... Kajikit should be ASHAMED to
be posting about her miserable life. Here we go again... this reminds
me of kili and that good for nothing fatman dumb**** who murdered his