Cooking a beef stew in slow cooker
"The Ranger" wrote
> Dave Smith > wrote in message
>> I have been similarly unimpressed with crock pot meals. The only
>> advantage I can see to one of them is as a heating vessel for a pot luck
>> or for keeping food warm for a party. I have never owned one and don't
>> care to find space for storing one.
> Every tool has its uses and if you aren't willing to learn to use it, it
> will always be a space-wasting item. I won't ever own a scroll saw (or
> toaster oven) but know people that love both and use them a lot. I can't
> imagine not having two working crockpots, and during fall winter (and
> often summer) am cranking out meals using them.
Same here. One of mine is steaming some spice crusted eggwashed potatoes (I
think the slow steaming tastes better than microwaved ones that still feel
'raw' even when soft). The other has carrot soup made with a little chicken
broth and blendered to smoothe, served with butter. I'll have to finish
both soon as a pork shoulder is defrosting and I need room for Momma-crock
for a slow roasted southern pulled pork dish. I'm a bit space challanged so
can't use all 3 at once unless on is on the floor. Um, pulled pork on floor
with a cat and a dog? Nope. Not when it takes a full sized cinderblock to
keep them out of a cooler with iced live blue crabs.