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Default Help: What did I do wrong Dal recipe (indian) too sweet and too thick

> First, you may have cooked the onions over too high a heat and partially
> caramelized them. Make sure you sweat the onions over a low heat and
> only cook long enough to turn them translucent to prevent this.

Great analysis, my mom will ROTFL if she finds me asking for help to
make dal. But hey what I am not born with (ie., talent to cook) I can
fake. Right ?

Note to self: 1. Dont cook onions over too high heat, low heat till
onions turn transcluscent.

I could do that, I was using high heat because I want the onions to
disintegrate and not get soft pieces in my mouth. how is that done ? I
can cook it till transluscent but then what ? do I need to cook it for
a little more with a little water ? Or cover the pan and cook ?

> So, if you used Roma tomatoes, don't.

BINGO!!! Yep roma tomatoes, they are banished from my kitchen till I
get the dal right.
Once again how to I get the tomato to disintegrate ? I try to cook it
till it disintegrates which is possibly caugin the caramelization...

> Third, try roasting the cumin and coriander seeds. This will intensify
> their flavor.

that I did, i already have them pre-roasted in my little bottles.
