On 8/13/2010 8:44 AM Kris Baker spake thus:
> "David Nebenzahl" > wrote in message
> .com...
>> On 8/12/2010 2:42 PM Kris Baker spake thus:
>>> http://snurl.com/10lqv0 The "winking housewife" is very familiar
>>> does she come from a Pillsbury cookbook, or other 1950s ad?
>> Dunno, but if you know anyone in or near the Twin Cities, you might have
>> them go to the Pillsbury Mill City Museum in Minneapolis: lots of displays
>> of historic Pillsbury packages and advertising material going way back.
>> http://minneapolis.about.com/od/hist...a/millcity.htm
>> Be sure to have them go up into the "Flour Tower". The multimedia elevator
>> ride is well worth it. Saw it last summer and was very impressed.
>> * By the way, did you intend to "snurl" that link? It works out to
>> dt.common.streams.StreamServer.cls. My browser (Firefox) has no idea what
>> it is and pops up a box asking me what to do with it. What is it?
> It's an image that was posted on the Salt Lake Tribune website.
> Unfortunately, I know no one in the Minneapolis area - although I
> did pore through over a thousand Pillsbury images.
> I'll find that image some day, when it no longer matters
Well, there's always that ...
I found the site for the museum itself:
Has contact info (phone & email). Perhaps if you contacted them, someone
there might have enough time on their hands (and interest) to look at
your picture.
The fashion in killing has an insouciant, flirty style this spring,
with the flaunting of well-defined muscle, wrapped in flags.
- Comment from an article on Antiwar.com (