On Sat, 14 Aug 2010 20:10:56 -0700 (PDT), pamjd >
>I enjoy fake crab. I have not cooked with the real thing . My
>Grandpa alsways said if you can't afford a Cadilac don't test drive
. So I got to thinking if I minced it and baked or fried them
>into balls could I use it in pocket pitas with cucumber sauce and
>shredded lettuce, Or soft shell tacos. What is your experience with
>using a quality fake crab product?
>Thanks in advance.
Why do you feel you need to bake or fry it? Just use it as it is if
your going to do pitas or tacos. If you want to make balls just use a
crabcake recipe and make the balls but I don't know why you'd want to
put them in a pita. I think it would be hard to handle. It's just
processed and pressed fish and pretty good but it doesn't really taste
like crab (IMO) It's good on salad or a substitute in a crab dip
recipe. Use a crab salad recipe and stuff a tomato or avocado. Or
make a horseradish sauce and just eat it with that. For a cheaper
food it's pretty tasty. The making balls thing is confusing me
because you can buy other white fish for the same money and make
those. Sorry I can't be of more help but if you enjoy them just eat
them. I've had them as finger food dredged in seafood sauce and
enjoyed them.
This is kinda interesting.