Ping "Giusi" - roasting tomatoes
sf wrote:
> On your blog, you roasted plum tomatoes... but I'm wondering if
> roasting will work with regular round tomatoes (early girl, etc from
> the farmer's market)? Would I just cut them in half or should they be
> thinner slices? I may end up making a ratatouille, but I'm not sure
> at this point exactly what I want to do. I have a couple of eggplants
> and I have a pasta dish in mind, so I'll need to preserve these
> tomatoes until I figure out what I want to do with them.
Not Giusi, but I can tell you that yes, it is definitely possible to roast
"regular round" tomatoes. But the technique for doing so depends on what you
want out of the process. The _Cafe Beaujolais_ cookbook gives recipes both
for slow-roasted tomatoes (which are very soft) and oven-dried tomatoes
(which are slightly dry and leathery). Both methods result in great tomato
flavor, but are very different. In both cases, the tomatoes are cut in half
and put into the oven on racks. IIRC the main differences between the two
recipes were the oven temperature and what you put on top of the tomatoes.
I don't have that book with me, but I know Christine has it; maybe she can
fill in the details.