Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> On Aug 16, 5:03 pm, sf > wrote:
>> On Mon, 16 Aug 2010 10:06:31 -0400, Dave Smith
>> > wrote:
>>> It's okay with undrained and finely chopped cucumber if you use it up
>>> right away, but it doesn't keep.
>> Really! Can you imagine 3 day old tzatziki? It would be rotten
>> vegetables in yogurt.
> If kept in the refrigerator, what would cause the vegetables to rot?
The water gets sucked out of the cucumber and makes a sloppy mess.
> I use whole-milk Greek yogurt and shredded cucumber.
I use finely shredded cucumber and shred it into a sieve, sprinkle some
salt on it. let it sit for about 15 minutes and press out as much water
as I can.