Modest Doesn't Become Me
On Mon, 16 Aug 2010 14:21:08 -0700, Bob Terwilliger wrote:
> blake wrote to Billy:
>>> I enjoy good wines....I guess you enjoy good corn relish.
>> well, aren't you precious, then.
> Oh, just let him sulk. I think it's funny. He really does seem to expect
> people to fall all over themselves praising him for posting his blog links
> here, and he is completely unable to fathom the difference between his
> link-posting and Barb's link-posting. And now he's all sullen because we
> haven't all gone to his blog and expressed adoration of it.
> Bob
i'll admit to having a jaundiced view of mr. bill due to the previous
postings of his twee menu cards.
your pal,