On 8/17/2010 11:53 PM, James Silverton wrote:
> zxcvbob wrote on Mon, 16 Aug 2010 00:11:13 -0500:
>> Instead of using Greek yogurt and trying to squeeze the juice out of
> the cucumbers, could you just use regular plain yogurt and dehydrated
> cucumbers? The cukes should absorb moisture from the
>> yogurt and thicken it. What am I missing?
>> Whole milk yogurt, or lowfat, or fat-free?
> I've never seen dehydrated cucumbers. Where do you find them?
I have a dehydrator. I can dehydrate the cuke until they are leathery
but not crisp, and they should plump back up (not completely) when mixed
with the yogurt.
Dehydrated tomatoes work a lot better than fresh in vegetable soup
because they don't fall apart.