Thread: Hummus Question
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Default Hummus Question

> The first thing I noticed was the smell of cumin. No problem, I
> like cumin. Then I tasted the hummus -- it was good, but it seemed
> to have a bitter and/or sour after taste that I didn't care for.
> Is that normal, or is it perhaps a product of all the various gunk
> that one finds in store bought stuff?

I make two types of hummus, one with fresh garlic (for eating right away)
and one with cooked and/or roasted garlic. The roasted garlic one often has
a slightly more bitter/sour aftertaste than the fresh. Perhaps that's the
cause of it in the stupidmarket brand you tried? I find that roasted garlic
makes a wonderful hummus but the difference between that kind of hummus and
the fresh is enourmous.


Never mind about should you or shouldn't you: the question is - will you or
wont you?
-ashleigh brilliant