Wine Spectator and The National Enquirer and Matt Kramer
I subscribe to the but lost interest years ago in the
magazine. I have virtually lost interest in the online as well.
While I am sure there is something redeeming in there I have a hard time
with a reference that makes money on advertising and rates wines. I am sure
there is no conflict of interest but I am somewhat suspect anyway.
Plus I have heard to many stories of James Laube in Napa that I personally
find disturbing with regards to wine snobbery at restaurants. I must admit
I have never met the man.
"Rich R" > wrote in message
> I have received WS for the past 20 years. Everytime the subscription
> up for renewal I tell my wife "No, I don't really read it." She doesn't
> it, but notices I do. I can't live the lifestyle that WS espouses, but I
> like that Matt Kramer guy. In the current issue he talks about the new
> Noir standard, which is Burgundy, but maybe not for long. Has Matt Kramer
> ever written a book? I would buy it. When WS arrives I go first to his
> column, And he is doing Italy!
> I guess I still read WS for Kramer's editorials. Anyone like me? WS is
> National Enquirer: Interesting, but you would never admit you read it.
> Rich
> --
> The journey is the reward.