Using expired Mayonnaise
JeanineAlyse wrote:
> On Aug 25, 8:54 am, "Nancy Young" > wrote:
>> Is it better to give money rather than food, can they maximize
>> a dollar better than most individuals? I've often wondered.
> I am interested in the answer as well, thanks for thinking to ask.
They have so many drives where they collect cans, and I thought it
might be a little bit like Dave's bake sale ... where if he'd just
donated the amount of money he spent on the cake, the charity
would get more.
> I
> very recently found exactly what I will enjoy when I retire late next
> year and no longer have my Marines to feed when I want to cook big.
Yay for the retiring, boo for no more Marines to feed.
> I
> went to the grocer's and found our local Food Bank set up with
> volunteers apreciatively accepting donations of fresh bought bags of
> grocerys just outside the entrance. As I went in with my own short
> shopping list, I asked them what they needed most.
How nice are you.
> It was such a
> personal reward to allow my cart to fill to overflowing with various
> pastas along with several of the largest jars of both Classico and
> Barrilla tomato sauces of different seasonings. How fun for me that
> trip was, ands I look forward to the next time those precious people
> may be there.
You mean they didn't follow you home? (laugh) You must have
made their day.