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Default Using expired Mayonnaise

On Wed, 25 Aug 2010 14:02:55 -0400, "Nancy Young"
> wrote:

>Charlotte L. Blackmer wrote:
>> Nancy Young > wrote:
>>> Charlotte L. Blackmer wrote:
>>>> If I see something that is "coming up", I'll try to use it fast,
>>>> whether for myself or the soup kitchen.
>>> You're involved with a soup kitchen? I have a question for you,
>>> if you don't mind.
>>> Is it better to give money rather than food, can they maximize
>>> a dollar better than most individuals? I've often wondered.

>> Cash is always useful . My program serves once a month, we don't
>> have freezer or a lot of cabinet storage, and we have a particular
>> number, so unless the food comes at a particular time and is
>> something we can use
>> for dinner for 140/lunch for 100, it won't help us. I have working
>> relationships and phone numbers on speed dial for a couple of other
>> programs so I can send people their way if asked.
>> Cash also enables programs to buy things like foil that they won't
>> find at a food bank or likely be able to beg from grocers.
>> I urge people to give cash not cans whenever possible to our Food Bank
>> because their wholesale/bulk deals can turn $1 into $6-$7 worth of
>> groceries - which includes fresh seasonal produce.

>Something I hadn't considered. Very interesting, and thanks.

I don't think it's either/or. One can give cash too but the main
thrust of food drives is to donate those food items one won't use
rather than that they end up in the trash. And few foods have
Expiration dates, typically perishables like dairy and meats that
aren't donated anyway. Best Used By dates are only a guide, those
food items are still perfectly good even with doubling the time. I
usually buy pasta on sale and buy much more than I can use within the
Best Used By date that is about one year... I've eaten pasta that I've
had longer than five years and noticed no difference