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Jack B
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Default Latest baster busted

In article >, Vox Humana
> wrote:

> "Jack B" > wrote in message
> news:041120032106407835%spam@jackatbohnhoffdotcom. spam...

> > Or maybe there's some better baster.

> I think that basting is a complete waste of time. The periodic opening of
> the oven reduces the temperature and prolongs the roasting time. The
> prolonged roasting dries out the meat. Just say no to basting.

Hmm... never heard it before, I like that.

But I disagree.

Of course, it all depends on what you're cooking... like with a duck,
the bastings will be mostly fat... with a cabbage, mostly watery.

Basting redistributes the liquids a bit, concentrating them on the
outside of the item(s). Which can create more flavor (reduction),
crispness (especially with fats at higher temperatures).

And my ovens usually have been pretty good at promptly returning to the
proper temperature, since I'm wise to that potential problem, and take
care to avoid it.

That's my take on this aspect of the art. And glad to hear yours.
