Dan Abel > wrote in
> In article >,
> "Boobie Twitiliger" > screamed and cried:
>> As I stated at the outset here, you missed the point: Jill was implying
>> that the story is not factual, i.e., that there is no kidnapped child,
>> no frenetic bicyling daddy, and no massive manhunt.A search for
>> [bicycling europe andrew] comes up only with the page you cited. If
>> there *were* such a massive manhunt as you believe, don't you think
>> that it would be carried by almost all news outlets? God knows the
>> "Amber Alert" system would leap all over the case if there were a
>> legitimate case like that in the USA; all TV shows in progress would be
>> interrupted with all available details.
> No.
Don't worry about Boobie twitilger, it would say the Earth was flat if I
said it was round.
That can be seen by the fact that its 'sided' with someone it is not
adverse to slagging off at.
But...... that aside, a simple Google check, as you have done, will just
show that Boobie is sooooo willing to shoot itself in the foot to try and
get a bit of 'one upmanship'..... and sadly, it fails miserably every
> But most "kidnappings" are done by a parent. They didn't get what they
> wanted in court, so they take their own kid(s) without the permission of
> the custodial parent. That's what happened here. It's the kid's own
> mother.
She got an adverse psych report (from a completely independant psych, who
was appointed by the Family Court of Australia), and unfortunately, she
got to see the report before the next court appearance came up. She knew
she was going to lose, so she abducted her son.
> And I really don't know what happened. I typed in:
> andrew thompson kidnap
> and got 64,100 hits.
I wonder how Boobie is going to try and explain them away as lies, and
I 'spose Interpol is telling lies as well, seeing as they have alerts out
in 187 different countries for her?
As for being in the US, she has been there before.......
"Melinda visted the US and Canada on several occasions on business trips.
These trips included California, Illinois (Chicago), Colorado (Denver and
Boulder), Washington DC, Texas and other states.
In Canada, she visited Montreal and several other places."
And as far as I recall, she's fluent in French and German.
> I shared an office with an international felon for a couple of years.
> Of course, I never heard the father's side of the story. The mom says
> she went to visit her parents to get her head together. She claimed her
> husband was mentally abusing her, and she couldn't figure out what to do
> as long as she was still living there. When she got back, she found
> that she was no longer married and no longer had kids. He had divorced
> her and gotten complete custody of the two kids. She was a foreigner,
> and he had important parents. So she took the kids back to the US with
> her, without permission of their dad in New Zealand. Well, New Zealand
> law said that was illegal.
There's a court order/custody order in place, and until the 'aggrieved'
parent does something about it to get it changed, it's a binding
Peter Lucas
"The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its
own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there
are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to
the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected
by good men with rifles."
—Jeff Cooper, The Art of the Rifle