corn-and how to tell if it's fresh
blake wrote on Sat, 28 Aug 2010 08:29:26 -0400:
>> On Thu, 26 Aug 2010 15:37:47 -0500, Ema Nymton
>> > wrote:
>>> Do they have giant boxes for you to toss away the corn
>>> shucks? They don't do that in the Houston area - at least
>>> not yet.
>> Some grocery chains provide trash cans for in-store shucking
>> all over the southeastern US.
>> -- Larry
> my local grocery (in maryland) does this. i'm not sure what
> the advantage (to the consumer) is.
A lot of people like to shuck their corncobs before buying them. It does
let you see their condition but I think it also speeds up the conversion
of sugar to starch. I'm a corn nuker myself but I do strip the leaves
back a bit so that I can see the top of the ear.
James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland
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