"PeterL." > wrote in message
> "Nancy Young" > wrote in news:Wx9eo.24804$TI2.19170
> @hurricane:
>> Oatis Willy PIO wrote:
>>>>> http://tinyurl.com/3xxfw6e
>> someone said:
>>>> Cycling? As in bicyling?
>>> No, cycling as in sticking feathers all over himself and flapping his
>>> wings, you ****ing moron.
>> I'm pretty sure they meant as opposed to MOTORcycling.
>> nancy
> Even so, motorcycling would be much the same as Mcquowans suggestion of
> flying to the various towns/countries .
> I can see the fathers reasoning behind cycling around the place..... it's
> too easy to miss something as you tool along at 60-100kph on a motorbike,
> or fly over in a plane.
> --
> Peter Lucas
> Brisbane
> Australia
If, as you suggest, the child is in the U.S. then why the hell would
bicycling around Europe help find his missing child? I don't understand the