"K" > wrote in message
> Oatis Willy PIO wrote:
>> "PL away from home" > wrote in message
>> ...
>> On Aug 27, 5:18 pm, "jmcquown" > wrote:
>>> "PeterL." > wrote in message
>>> 5...
>>>> They may be in the US.
>>>> http://www.news.com.au/world/dad-cyc...te-search-for-
>>>> son/story-e6frfkyi-1225910835975
>>>> http://tinyurl.com/3xxfw6e
>>> Cycling? As in bicyling?
>> No, cycling as in sticking feathers all over himself and flapping his
>> wings, you ****ing moron.
>>> Really, I'm all for finding an allegedly
>>> kidnapped child.
>> "Allegedly"???
>> Yeah, I 'spose Interpol, the German Police and most Police agencies in
>> Europe and the US, not to mention all agencies here in Australia,
>> would involve themselves in an "alleged" kidnapping.
>>> But wouldn't he be better off... oh, I dunno... taking a
>>> train or a plane to get from place to place to look for his son?
>> Why not a helicopter?
>> Then he could just fly over all the places that his nutcase wife might
>> be hiding with their son, instead of being on the ground and
>> searching..... and spreading the word.
> Oatis, what have you EVER posted here that is on topic? I can tell you
> ... NOTHING, not one single thing. All you do is follow people around
> with your flame thrower, with language that keeps our kids away from
> groups they might enjoy. Why don't you just get lost once and for all?
> A missing child is the most terrible thing for a parent, parenthood being
> something you're clearly not suited for, and a missing child presumed
> kidnaped is one of the worst cases. This isn't some bogus email, it's a
> current event, so who knows who might be able to help.
Yes, lets ALL post OT shit all the time, just like Peter Lucas.
How many missing children might there be in the world right now? Lets post
about all of them, shall we?
Lost cat, creepy neighbor? Hell yes, lets all post about them here.