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Peter Lucas[_15_] Peter Lucas[_15_] is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 28
Default time to kick old habits?

Time to ''spill my guts'' so to speak;

I dont hate soccer, I just think it a sport that is mainly fun for
kids to play, but lacks the detail and exitment that make for a great
spectater sports for grown adults. In Australia, interest in soccer is
high for children under 10 and then drops off gradually as kids get
older, and by the time kids reach adulthood, they genarally have no
further interest in the game.

Soccer or ''football'' is big as a sport for kids in our country, but
the sport has failed again and again to cross over into popularity
either on the television or at the stadiums. The game draws very few
spectaters and the professional leauue here is forever on the brink of
collapse. We tend not to be interested in sports that attract
hooligans and riots and lacks much stratagy. Why this (riots and
violence) is so essential to the british version of the game we will
never know. In Australia, spectater sports are family events, with a
wholesome emphasis on community.

There must be a way eliminate the hooligan element from the british
culture so to advance the games image world wide? Ideas please?

Peter Lucas